Title: Dead Rules
Author: Randy Russel
Series: Book 1 of Dead Rules (?)
Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal
Age restriction? Maybe 10+. Some of the descriptions are pretty gruesome.
Published: 21 June 2011
Recommended for: Teens and those who like teen fiction of the more macabre kind.
Buy: Dead Rules @ Amazon
REVIEW: Reading Dead Rules, I found myself enjoying it more than I thought I would. Although the book has some major flaws, mostly in terms of consistency and plotting, I had a great time reading it.
Liked:- Fun, quirky and above all, unusual story, which is great to find in YA UF.
- Funny and addictive writing.
- Great characters and compelling, fresh story.
- So much whining! Yes, it was unfair. No, killing your boyfriend won't make it better. Sheesh.
- Jana is so dependent! Seriously icks me out when a character defines themselves by their relationship status.
- PLOT HOLES the size of JUPITER all around.
- Too much left unexplained.
- Too open ending, unless this was the first book in a series. Which I hope is the case.
- Lots of showing in exposition - could've been handled better.
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